Grilling Food

How to Safely Grill on Your Outdoor Deck

The scent of smoldering charcoal wafts through the air while family and friends gather on the deck, eagerly awaiting the homemade burgers and roasted corn that are sizzling to perfection. It’s true – nothing brings people together like a buzzing backyard barbecue. While your outdoor deck might be the perfect spot for alfresco entertaining, it is not always the safest place for smoking summer-time favorites … Continue reading How to Safely Grill on Your Outdoor Deck

Grilling Outdoors

Guide to Your New Outdoor Grilling Area

As the weather heats up outside, why not add a little more sizzle to the summer by firing up the grill? Few things signify summer as much as the fragrant smell of barbecue wafting through the warm air, as the meat begins to heat up and take on a golden, caramelized sheen. So what do you need for that perfect barbecue? Well, a place to … Continue reading Guide to Your New Outdoor Grilling Area