
“Money doesn’t grow on trees” is such a tall tale! By partnering with Trees for the Future and donating to the non-profit’s Forest Garden Program, it truly does!

With your help, impoverished families from the developed world can build a more sustainable future through the power of trees.

What is a
Forest Garden?

A forest garden contains 4,000 planted trees — fast-growing, thorny, fruit, nut and hardwoods, among others. Each tree has a specific purpose that helps lift families out of poverty.

Families are provided with....


Several trees produce food to nourish families and serve as fodder to feed livestock. These nutritious vegetables and vitamin-rich fruits are especially helpful for children’s growth and brain development.

Cash Crops

With this newfound income, families can comfortably sustain their daily lives. They’re also given more opportunities to expand their farms, send children to school and pay off debt.


Families can rest easy knowing their crops are protected from pests and erosion by planting rows of thorny, nitrogen-fixing trees on and along their land.


Since the trees used for fuelwood regrow quickly, families have a reliable and renewable source for cooking food and staying warm at night.

What We've Done With Your Help

Your purchases at TrexFurniture.com have contributed to:





forest gardens



people (approximately 9 families) lifted out of poverty*.

The baseline income for
Senegal farmers is


After 5 years
with a forest garden

The baseline income for farmers increases over 500% to


Multiply this amount by

9 forest gardens

and you’ve helped farmers generate income at


Significance of 9 Forest Gardens

9 forest gardens will generate $42,750 in revenue over a 5-year period! Compare that to $11,250 in revenue over the same 5-year period at the baseline yield. A 380% increase!

Yield with 9 Forest Gardens

Yield with 0 Forest Gardens


(Drag to View)

How You Can Help


Purchase furniture from TrexFurniture.com.


Trex Outdoor Furniture will donate one tree for each piece of furniture you order.


Your contribution will help rural communities begin their journey out of poverty.